Tutorial — How to find total Ethereum gas fee you ever spent?
Gas fees continue to rise in Ethereum ecosystem as the network congestion increases with rising adoption of DeFi
This tutorial will teach you in a few simple steps how to easily find the total gas fee you ever spent, to find some gas fee statistics which can be used by you to optimise your gas fee expenditure in future.
- Grab your Ethereum account address. It should be from your own wallet and not from a centralised exchange.
- Head over to etherscan.io and use the following URL format:
https://etherscan.io/address/<Insert your Ethereum address here>#analytics
Example URL: https://etherscan.io/address/0x10de5562496b3d15bcd91394ed90e0ef616ce5cd#analytics
3. This will open the analytics page for your Ethereum address on etherscan.io. On that page, you will see multiple tabs. Select the “TxnFees” tab to get all the gas fee statistics for your account.
Refer the image below for more details. Relevant areas have been marked.
As you can see in the above image, you get information about the total gas fee you ever spent or used with your Ethereum account. The graph provides a quick overview of a chosen time duration to assess your gas expenditure.
Hope you find this tutorial useful and if you do, please do share it with others in the cryptocurrency and DeFi community. These kind of analytics are very useful to optimise your trading activities.
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